Registered Trademark Symbol

When should you use the ® symbol and ™ symbol?

Do-it-yourself online trademark applications (2).png

Can I use the ™ symbol with my brand?

 Yes!  You can use the ™ symbol with your brand even if you don’t have a registered trademark yet. 

Using the ™ symbol is a useful way to let the world know that you consider your brand to be a trademark of your business.  Using it may even deter others from adopting a similar brand.

Many businesses use the ™ symbol before  and during the application process while the trademark registration is pending.

When a brand cannot be registered as a trademark due to descriptiveness or non-distinctiveness, you can use the ™ symbol to signify that you intend that brand to be perceived as a trademark. Consistent use of the ™ symbol may help to build your case that the trademark has become recognisable as a distinctive identifier of your business. 

The use of the ™ symbol also sends a message that you are aware of the legalities of protecting your brand. It may help to deter others from using the same name.

For optimal legal protection from the outset, it is best to choose a trademark that is registrable.


 When should I use the ® symbol?

 The ® symbol stands for “registered trademark”.  You can only use this symbol after you have secured a trademark registration for your brand.

 There are a couple of things to bear in mind with the ® symbol: 

  • You can only use the ® symbol in relation to the goods or services covered by your trademark registration.   

  • You cannot use the ® symbol in countries where the mark is not yet registered.

 If you’re likely to use your mark in countries where you don’t have trademark protection, we suggest you simply use the ™ symbol across the board (which is permitted for unregistered - as well as registered - marks).


How do I create the ™ and ® symbols

 On most computers you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: 

  • To create ™, type the letters TM and then hit space or enter.  

  • To create ®, type (R) and then hit space or enter.